Monday, September 30, 2019

Intro to Public Relations Notes

The Challenge of Public RelationsPR is multifaceted ?A public relations professional must have skills in ?Written and interpersonal communication ?Research ?Negotiation ?Creativity ?Logistics ?Facilitation ?Problem solving Global ScopeThe public relations industry is growing in many nations ?Almost $8 billion spent each year in the US ?Expected growth of 23% in Asian revenue in the next five years ?Annual spending of $2. 2 billion in China A Variety of DefinitionsA number of definitions have been formulated over the years Cutlip, Center, and Broom, Effective Public Relations ?Public relations is the management function that identifies, establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends. ?Glen Cameron, University of Missouri ?Public relations is the â€Å"strategic management of competition and conflict for the benefit of one's own organization-and when possible-also for the mutual benefit of the organization and its various stakeholders or publics. † ?Public Relations Society of America (2012) Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics ?Kevin Trowbridge (2012) ?Public relations is the communication management function through which organizations build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with the public on whom the organization's success or failure depends.Public Relations – Key Terms†¢Communication†¢Management†¢Build and Maintain†¢Mutually Beneficial†¢Relationships†¢Organization†¢Publics RPIE†¢Research†¢Planning†¢Implementation†¢EvaluationDifferences between Journalism and PR Journalists|PR Professionals| Use only two components (writing and media relations)|†¢ Use many components| †¢ Are objective observers|†¢ Are advocates| †¢ Focus on a mass audience|†¢ Focus on def ined publics| †¢ Use only one channel|†¢ Use a variety of channelsDifferences between Advertising and PR Advertising|Public Relations| †¢ Works through mass media|†¢ Relies on a variety of communication tools| †¢ Addresses external audiences|†¢ Targets specialized audiences| †¢ Is a communications function|†¢ Is broader in scope| †¢ Is a communication tool in PR|†¢ Fills a support role| †¢ Sells goods and services|†¢ Creates a favorable environment for an organization's survival|How PR Supports Marketing†¢Eight ways public relations supports marketing ?Develops new prospects ?Provides third party endorsements ?Generates sales leads ?Paves the way for sales calls ?Stretches dollars ?Provides inexpensive literature ?Establishes credibility ?Helps sell minor products Differences between Marketing and PR Marketing|Public Relations|†¢ Is concerned with customers and selling products or services|†¢ Is concerned wit h building relationships and generating goodwill|†¢ Deals with target market, consumers, and customers|†¢ Deals with publics, audiences, and stakeholders|Toward an Integrated Perspective: Strategic Communication†¢Concept of integration: ?To use a variety of strategies and tactics to convey a consistent message in a variety of forms†¢Global/Multicultural†¢Research based†¢Relationship focused†¢internet/new media oriented†¢Toolbox-driven tacticsA Changing Focus in Public Relations†¢The evolution of the role of PR beyond publicity and media relations†¢Growth for PR professionals in health care, consumer goods, financial services, and technology†¢Crisis management in the larger context of strategic management of conflict Personal Qualifications and Attitudes Six Essential Abilities ?Writing skills ?Research ability ?Planning expertise ?Problem-solving ability ?Business/economics competence ?Expertise in social media 5 Emerging Trends in PR†¢Storytelling (and â€Å"story selling†)†¢Quantification†¢Visual Communications†¢Proactive and Predictive Monitoring†¢Adaptation 10 sills PR Pros will need in 2020†¢Advertising Copywriting†¢Video Editing/Production†¢Mobile†¢Social Content Creation/Curation†¢Analytics†¢Search Engine Optimization†¢Speed to Information†¢Programming Skills†¢Managing Virtual Teams†¢Blogger OutreachWhat Employers Want: 10 Qualities Good writing†¢IntelligenceCultural literacy†¢The ability to recognize a good story when you see one†¢Media savvy†¢Contacts†¢Good business sense†¢Broad communications experience†¢Specialized experience†¢Fresh perspective Organizational Roles†¢Communication technician roles ?Taking photographs ?Writing brochures ?Preparing news releases ?Organizing events†¢Communication manager roles ?Making communication policy decisions ?Overseeing multiple communication strategies ?Supervising employees responsible for tactics The Value of Internships†¢Win-win situation for both the student and the organization Many major PR firms have formal internship programs ?Edelman Worldwide (Edel-U) ?Weber Shandwick (Weber University) ?Hill and knowlton ?Ketchum Salaries in Public Relations†¢The national median salary for experienced professionals ?Approximately $85,000 for practitioners with 7 to 10 years of experience ?Over $150,000 for practitioners with more than 20 years of experience†¢In general, women working in the PR field earn less than men ?Factors that could lead to gender discrepancies ?The number of years in the field ?Technician duties versus managerial responsibilities ?The nature of the industry The size of the organization ?Women's attempts to balance work and familyThe Value of Public Relations†¢A service to society†¢Informative†¢Relevant†¢Earned influence through managing competition and co nflictA Brief History of Public Relations†¢In the beginning†¦ ?Moses and Aaron ?800 years later – Aristotle (â€Å"Father of Rhetoric†) ?300 years later – Jesus Christ ?†No one in history, before or since, could match his skill as a storyteller, a critical skill for public relations practitioners. † ?Then – the Apostle Paul†¢Ancient beginnings ?The Rosetta Stone ?Julius Caesar ?The Church Public relations in colonial America ?Promoting settlement ?Struggle for independence ?Boston Tea Party, Thomas Paine, Federalist Papers†¢The age of the press agent ?The age of hype ?Davy Crockett, Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley ?Press agent tactics ?The master of pseudoevent: P. T. Barnum ?Tom Thumb, Jenny Lind†¢Public relations grows as America grows ?Settling the American West ?Railroad promotion techniques†¢The rise of politics and activism ?Political beginnings ?Amos Kendall ?Activists ?Abolitionists ?Prohibitionists ?Women's ri ghts advocates ?Environmentalists†¢Modern public relations comes of age ?Henry Ford Positioning and accessibility ?Ivy Lee ?First public relations counselor ?Rockefeller ?Colorado Fuel and Iron Company labor strike ?George Creel ?WWI ?Edward Bernays ?Father of modern PR†¢Public relations expands in postwar America ?Rapid growth in all areas of public relations along with the development of mass media ?able to capture and seize information and give it to the media/people†¢Evolving practice and philosophy ?1800s to 1920s from press agentry to public information to scientific persuasion ?centered around the wars: How effective is propaganda? How do we pursued people that what we're doing is good? 1950s and '60s – Relationship building ?Necessitated by activism ?What was happening was about people, giving people equality, seeing people as unique and equal beings ?1970s and '80s – Managerial approach ?Investor relations and MBO (Management by Objective) ?MBO = Managerial approach PR adapted to ?1990s and '00s – Relationship management ?relationship building as well as relationship maintaining Four Models of Public Relations†¢Gruing and Hunt: ?Press agentry/publicity ?age of hype associated with P. T. Barnum ?Public information ?Ivy Lee, Edward Bernays comes in at the end of public information ?Two-way asymmetric listen to the people and tailor around their wants and needs ?Two-way symmetric ?the â€Å"ideal† mode of practice ?goal is to identify policies and actions that are mutually beneficial to both parties ?collaborative ?openness for the organization to change itself based on the consumerTrends in Today's Practice of Public Relations†¢Feminization of the field ?70% of PR practitioners are women ?Women earn less money than men ?Recent research ?PR was one of the first fields that allowed women to display their abilities†¢The importance of diversity ?Minorities constitute 36% of US citizens ?Hispanics are the fastest growing group Minority practitioners lag behind population trends ?Professional groups seek to encourage minority practitioners ?†Who do people trust? They trust people most like themselves. † ?Religious, gender, race, etc.†¢Other major trends in public relations ?Transparency ?Didn't become a trend until two-way asymmetric/symmetric ?An ever-broadening social medial toolbox ?Increased emphasis on evaluation ?Showing ROI (return on investment); showing that what we do has results ?Managing the 24/7 news cycle ?New directions in mass media ?Outsourcing to public relations firms ?The importance of lifelong learning looking for opportunities to develop yourself professionally; learning doesn't stop when school does A Growing Professional Practice†¢The Public Relations Society of America ?The largest national public relations organization in the world ?The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)†¢The International Association Business Communications ?The second-largest organization of communication and public relations professionals†¢The International Public Relations Association ?A London-based global organization Professionalism, Licensing, and Accreditation†¢Professionalism ?Professional practitioners should have: A sense of independence ?A sense of responsibility to society and public interests ?Concern for the competence and honor of the profession ?A higher loyalty to the profession than to an employer ?Careerist versus professional values ?Technician mentality†¢Licensing ?Advocates ?Defines PR, unifies curricula, unifies standards, protects clients, protects practitioners, raises practitioners' credibility ?Opponents ?Violates 1st amendment, malpractice laws exist, states license but PR works nationally/internationally, ensures only minimum competence/ethics, increased credibility not ensured, expensive Accreditation ?†Certification† by professional organizations ?PRSA and IABC o ffer accreditation Public Relations Departments†¢Importance of PR in today's organizations ?PR pros seen as strategic communication managers ?PR offers 184% ROI ?CEOs want communication that is strategic, research-based, and two-way†¢Organizational factors determined the role of public relations ?Large vs. small firms ?Management perceptions ?C-suite attitudes/reporting issues ?Capabilities of the public relations executive†¢How public relations departments are organized ?Leader titles ?Reporting hierarchy Size of departments†¢Common divisions found in large corporations ?Media relations, investor relations, consumer affairs, government relations, community relations, marketing communications, and employee communications Line and Staff Functions†¢Line manager ?Delegates, sets goals, hires, influences others' work†¢Staff function ?Little direct authority ?Indirectly influence others' work through suggestions, recommendations, advice ?PR is a staff functi on†¢Access to management ?PR influence is linked to access to top management ?Recommendations to management help in formulating policyLevels of Influence†¢Advisory: Management has no obligation to request or act on recommendations ?Purely advisory practitioners are often ineffective †¢Compulsory-advisory: Management is required to listen to public relations' perspective before acting †¢Concurring authority: PR and others must agree on an action Sources of Friction †¢Legal ?Differences on public statements †¢Human Resources ?Differences regarding employee communications †¢Advertising ?Competing for resources ?Philosophical differences †¢Marketing ?Focuses on one public: current or prospective customers The Trend toward Outsourcing Almost 90% of Fortune 500 companies use outside PR counsel in varying degrees ?The need for additional â€Å"arms and legs† ?To obtain a unique perspective and market insight Global Reach †¢Firms and their offices or affiliates are situated in most of the world's major cities and capitals †¢Substantial revenues from international operations Public Relations Firms †¢Firms have regional, national, and global reach †¢PR Firms can complement in-house expertise ?PR Firms offer diverse services †¢Rapid growth of PR firms †¢Emphasis on the counseling aspect †¢The rise of communication conglomerates Many firms are owned by communication conglomerates and thereby can offer integrated services (i. e. , PR and advertising expertise) through affiliates ?The reason for acquisition of PR firms ?Natural evolutionary step of integration ?Economic interest †¢Structure of a counseling firm ?Depends on size of firm ?Small firm may only have owner and one or two associates ?Large firms have an extended hierarchy Pros and Cons of Using a Public Relations Firm Advantages |Disadvantages| †¢ Objectivity| †¢ Part-time commitment| †¢ Skills and expertise| †¢ Need for long briefing| †¢ Extensive resources| †¢ Internal resentment| Offices throughout the country| †¢ Need for direction| †¢ Problem-solving skills| †¢ Need for information and confidence| †¢ Credibility| †¢ High costs| Fees and Charges †¢Basic hourly fee, plus out-of-pocket expenses ?Most widely used among large firms †¢Retainer fee †¢Fixed project fee †¢Pay for placement ?Seldom used Class Notes 1/28/2013 ?Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays are essential to Public Relations ?Bernays = father of modern public relations ?Public Relations Anagrams ?Crap Built On Lies ?Spout Brilliance ?Social Blueprint understand the bigger picture, map out a strategy, give instructions to people involved ?shift came with industrialization ?Ivy Lee – first pr counselor; first to say it's not just publicity ?declaration of principles (pg 49 in book) ?Advancing the concept that business and industry†¦ ?Dealing with top executives and carrying out†¦ ?Maintaining open communication with the news media ?Emphasizing the necessity of humanizing business†¦ Class Notes 2/4/2013†¢ Four essential steps of Public Relations†¢ Research situation – organization – publics†¢ What is Research? –What do you think of when you think of research?†¢ Science†¢ Studies†¢ Statistics†¢ So much!†¢ Searchable BackgroundChapter 5-6 Overview ?The four essential steps of effective public relations ?Research: The first step ?Research methods ?Planning: The second step Research: The first step ?Situation ?Organization ?Publics ?What is research? ?A form of listening ?Asking questions and looking for answers ?Essential to any public relations activity or campaign Questions to ask before research design ?What's the problem (or opportunity? ) ?organization ?situation ?publics ?Kind of information needed? ?How will results be used? ?Public (or publics)? ?Who should do it? ?How will data be analyzed/reported/applied? ?Timetable? ?Budget? Using Research ? Ways to research ?Achieve credibility with management ?Executives want facts, not guesses and hunches. ?Define/segment publics ?Gathering detailed information about demographics, lifestyles, characteristics, and consumption patterns helps to ensure that messages reach the proper audiences ?Formulate strategy Test messages ?Research can determine which message is most salient to a target audience ?Prevent crises ?An estimated 90% of organizational crises are caused by internal operational problems rather than by unexpected natural disasters or external issues ?Professionals can prevent a conflict or crisis through environmental scanning and other research tactics ?Monitor competition ? Organizations keep track of what the competition is doing ?Research on the competition can be done with surveys, content analysis of the competition's media coverage, and reviews of industry reports in trade journals Generate publicity ?Polls and surveys can generate publicity for an organization ?Measure Success ?The bottom line of any public relations program is whether the time and money spend accomplished the state objective Research Methods ?Types of Research ?Informal research ?Unplanned/spontaneous, Uncontrolled, Unsystematic ?Formal Research ?Planned, controlled, systematic ?Secondary research ?existing information ?Primary research ?New/original information ?Methodological Approaches ?Historical/Critical ?Rhetorical/textual/content analysis ? Qualitative Exploratory, rich data, often not generalizable ?Focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations ?Quantitative ?Descriptive/explanatory, often generalizable ?Mail surveys, telephone polls Qualitative vs. Quantitative Qualitative Research|Quantitative Research| â€Å"Soft† data|†Hard† data| Usually uses open-ended questions, unstructured|Usually uses closed-ended questions, requires forced choices, highly structured| Exploratory in nature; probing, â€Å"fishing expedition† type of research|Descriptive or explanatory type of research| Usually valid, but not reliable|Usually valid and reliable| Rarely projectable to larger audiences|Usually projectable to larger audiences| Typically uses nonrandom samples|Typically uses random samples| Examples: Focus groups; one-on-one, in-depth interviews; observation; participation; role-playing studies; convenience polling|Examples: Telephone polls; mail surveys, mail-intercept studies; face-to-face interviews; shared cost, or omnibus, studies; panel studies| Research Techniques ?Organizational materials ?read every piece of information on an organization's website ?Library and online databases Journal of Public Relations Research ?Internet ? Any number of corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade groups, special-interest groups, foundations, universities, think tanks, and government agencies post reams of data in the Internet. ?Content analysis ?The systematic and objective counting or categorizing of content ?In public relations, content often is selected from media coverage of a topic or organization ?Interviews ?Personnel faced with solving a particular problem often â€Å"interview† other public relations professionals for ideas and suggestions ?Focus groups This technique is widely used in advertising, marketing, and public relations to help identify the attitudes and motivations of important publics ?Copy testing ?A draft of a material/message tested on a group of people before it is sent out to the public; can happen within a focus group ? Scientific sampling methods Random Sampling ?Probability Sampling ?Everyone in the target audience has an equal chance of being selected ?Nonprobability sample is not random ?Most precise random sample is selected from list naming everyone in the target audience Sample Size Usually a sample of 250 to 500 people will provide data with a 5 to 6 percent margin of error ?A sample of 100 people will provide about a 10 percent margin ?responses could go 10% either way Reaching Respondents ? Mail questionnaires ?Telephone surveys ?Personal interviews ?Piggyback surveys ?Web and e-mail surveys Research: Let's Practice ?What's the problem (or opportunity)? ?Kind of information needed? ?How will results be used? ?Public (or publics)? ?Who should do it? ?How will data be analyzed/reported/applied? ?Timetable? ?Budget? *Articulate the benefit, value, or need for public relations – possible quiz/test question Planning: The Second Step ?Planning must be strategic and systematic ?Planning involves the coordination of multiple methodsElements of a Public Relations Plan1. Situation Analysis ?Public relations professionals cannot set valid objectives without a clear understanding of the situation that led to the conclusion that there was a need for a public relations program 2. Goals 3. Key Publics (or Target Audiences) ?Public relations programs should be directed toward specific and defined audiences or publics 4. Objectives ?Once the situation or problem is understood, the next step is to establish objectives for the program. 5. Strategies ?A strategy statement describes how, in concept, a campaign will achieve objectives; it provides guidelines and themes for the overall program 6. Tactics ?Tactics describe, in sequence, the specific activities that put strategies into operation and achieve the stated objectives 7. Materials 8. Activities Calendar/Timeline/Responsibilities (WBS) ?The three aspects of timing in a program plan are deciding when a campaign should be conducted, determining the proper sequence of activities, and compiling a list of steps that must be completed to produce a finished product 9. Evaluation/Measurement The evaluation element of a plan relates directly back to the state objectives of the program. objectives must be measurable in some ways to show clients and employers that the program accomplished its purpose 10. Budget ? Both clients and employers inevitably ask, â€Å"How much will this program cost? † Holy GOST of Public Relations Planning ?Goals – Where you want to go ?Objectives – How you know when you get there ?Desired Result: Awareness, Acceptance or Action ?Key Public ?Measure/Level of Accomplishment ?Timeframe/Deadline ?Strategies – How are you going to get there ?Tactics – What you'll need to get there The GOST must be aligned! Planning: Let's Practice ?Goals ?Objectives ?Strategies ?Creative ?e. g. , themes, messages Implementation: The Third Step ?Implementation ?May be called â€Å"communication† ?Or may be referred to as â€Å"execution† ?Is the process and the means by which objectives are achieved (i. e. , strategy is implemented) ?Tactics are developed to implement the plan ?Logistics are managed Public relations is the communication management function through which organizations build and maintain mutually beneficial rel ationships with the publics on whom the organization's success or failure depends. Communication: the systemic process of creating meaning Goals of Strategic Communication ?Awareness ?Message exposure ?Public relations personnel provide materials to the mass media and disseminate other messages through controlled media such as a newsletters and brochures ?Accurate dissemination ?The basic information, often filtered by media gatekeepers, remains intact as it is transmitted through various media ?Acceptance ?Attitude change ?the audience not only believes the message but also makes a verbal or mental commitment to change behavior as a result of the message ? Action ?Behavior change Members of the audience actually change their current behavior or purchase the product and use it Making Sure the Audience Receives the Message ?Schramm's model ?Source > Encoder > Signal < Decoder < Destination ?Expanded reflects two-way communication ?Grunig's model of symmetrical communication ?Understanding is the principle objective of public relations rather than persuasion Making Sure the Audience Pays Attention to the Message ?Theoretical perspectives ?Lasswell's definition of communication ?†Who says what, ?in which channel, ?to whom, ?with what effect? † ? Media uses and gratification ?Passive audiences Active audiences Making Sure the Audience Understands the Message ?Importance of language ?Understand cultural differences ?Check writing for simplicity and clarity ?Readability formulas: Flesch, Cloze ?Use symbols, acronyms, easy-to-remember slogans ?Avoid jargon, cliche, hype, euphemisms, discriminatory language Making the Message Credible ?Source credibility ?The problem of source credibility is the main reason that organizations, whenever possible, use respected outside experts or celebrities as representatives to convey their messages ? Context of the message ?Action (performance) speaks louder than a stack of news releases Involvement ?Involvement is interest in or concern about an issue or a product Making the Message Memorable ?Repetition ?Necessary because all members of a target audience don't see or hear the message at the same time ?Reminds the audience, so there is less chance of failure to remember the message ?Remember the message ?Can lead to Improved Learning and increase the chance of penetrating audience indifference or resistance ?Offsets the noise surrounding the message ?Contributes to credibility ? Delivering information in a variety of ways via multiple communication channels Communication Channels ?Face to Face Mediated ?Owned Media ?Paid Media ?Earned Media ?Shared Media Making Sure the Audience Acts on the Message ?Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations ?A process by which any innovation is diffused through certain channels and then adopted over time among members of a social system Innovation: Anything New (e. g. , Idea, Method, Product, Service, etc. ) ?Relative Advantage ?The degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it replaces ?Compatibility ?The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing values, experiences, and needs of potential adopters Complexity ?Degree to which an innovation is perceived as being easy to adopt ?Trialability ? The degree to which an innovation may be experienced on a limited basis ?Observability ?The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others Stages of the Adoption Process ?Awareness ?A person becomes aware of an idea or a new product, often by means of an advertisement or a news story ?Interest ?The individual seeks more information about the idea or the product, perhaps by ordering a brochure, picking up a pamphlet, or reading an in-depth article in a newspaper or magazine ?Evaluation The potential consumer evaluates the idea or the product on the basis of how it meets specific needs and wants. Feedback from friends and family is part of this process ?Trial ?The person tries the product or the idea on an experimental basis, by using a sample, witnessing a demonstration, or making qualifying statements such as â€Å"I read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ?Adoption ?The individual begins to use the product on a regular basis or integrates the idea into his or her belief system. â₠¬Å"I read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  becomes â€Å"I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Evaluation: The Fourth Step ?Evaluation is the measurement of results against agreed-upon objectives established during planning Evaluation improves the public relations process Three Kinds of Evaluation ?Ongoing ?Summative ?Formative (Research? ) Basic Evaluation Questions ?Adequately planned? ?Message(s) understood? ?How could strategy have been more effective? ?Audiences reached? ?Objectives achieved? ?What was unforeseen? ?Budget met? ?Future improvements? Objectives: Prerequisites for Measurement ?Develop a clearly established set of measurable objectives ?Outcome ?Awareness ?Acceptance ?Action ?Output Measurement and Evaluation Status ?3 Levels of Measurement ?Basic ?Measuring ?Targeted Audiences Impressions ? Media Placements ?Intermediate ?Retention ?Comprehension ?Awareness ?Reception ?Advanced ?Behavior Change ?Attitude Change ?Opinion Change Measurement of Message Exposure ?Compile clippings/mentions ?Most widely used metric ?Media Impressions ?Placement x circulation/viewership/listenership ?Internet hits ?Advertising equivalency ?Space/time x advertising rate ?Systematic tracking ?Analyze volume and content of media placements ?Information requests ?Cost per person ?Audience attendance Measurement of Audience Awareness, Attitudes, and Action ?Audience awareness ?survey day-after recall ?Audience attitude ?related to awareness ?baseline/benchmark studies ?Audience action ?the ultimate objective of any public relations effort ?measure desired behaviors Chapter 7 – Public Opinion and Persuasion Overview ?What is public opinion? ?Opinion leaders as catalysts ?The role of mass media ?The role of conflict ?Persuasion in public opinion ?Factors in persuasive communication ?The limits of persuasion What is public opinion? ?Three aspects about public opinion formation ?Society is passive Psychologists have found that the public by and large tends to be passive ?Society is segmented ?One issue may engage the attention of a part of the population with a particular vested interest, whereas another issue arouses the interest of another segment ?Society is divided ? People have some opinions that may conflict or compete with others' opinions about the same issue. People also sometimes hold contradictory opinions or attitudes ?Public Opinion is powerful ?Activate public through public opinion ?Identify key publics through analysis of public opinion What do you think? What is the role of opinion leaders in the formation of public opinion? Opinion Leaders as Catalysts ?Opinion leaders can be formal or informal ?Interested in a particular issue ?Knowledgeable on a given topic ?They help frame and define issues that often have their roots in individuals' self-interests ?It is through the influence of opinion leaders that public opinion often crystallizes into a measurable entity ?The flow of opinion ? Multiple-Step Flow ?Opinion makers derive large amounts of information from the mass media and other sources and share that information with people The attentive public is interested in the issue but rely on opinion leaders to synthesize and interpret information ?The inattentive public are unaware of or uninterested in the issue and remain outside the opinion-formation process ?N-Step Theory ?N-step theory states that individuals are seldom influenced by only one opinion leader but actually interact with different leaders ?Diffusion Theory ?Individuals adopt new ideas or products in five stages: awareness, interest, trial, evaluation, and adoption. Individuals are influenced by media in the first two steps and by friends and family members in the third and fourth steps. Each individual is a decision maker who adopts a new idea or product when they reach the final step The Role of Mass Media ?Agenda setting ?media tell the public what to think about, albeit not necessarily what to think ?Framing ?media and PR both have role in how issues are â€Å"framed,† which parts are emphasized The role of Conflict ?Conflict inherent in news frames ?Use of media for strategic agenda-building Persuasion in Public Opinion ?Persuasion is used to†¦ ?change or neutralize hostile opinions ?crystalize latent opinions and positive attitudes ?maintain favorable opinions Persuasion and Negotiation Persuasion is comparable to negotiation ?Public relations can be used as a tool leading to the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process Factors in Persuasive Communication ?Audience Analysis ? Knowledge of audience characteristics such as beliefs, attitudes, values, concerns, and lifestyles is an essential part of persuasion. It helps communicators tailor messages that are salient, answer a perceived need, and provide a logical course of action. ?Appeals to Self-Interest ?People become involved in issues or pay attention to messages that appeal to their psychological, economic, or situational needs. Audience Participation ?Attitude or beliefs are changed or enhanced by audience involvement and participation. ?Suggestions for Action ?A key principle of persuasion is that people endorse ideas and take actions only if they are accompanied by a proposed action from the sponsor. ?Source Credibility ? A message is more believable to an intended audience if the source has credibility with that audience. ?Clarity of Message ?Many messages fail because the audience finds them unnecessarily complex in content or language ?Content and Structure of Messages ?Channels Different media with different features can be used for diverse public relations purposes. ?Timing and Contexts ?A message tends to be more persuasive if environmental factors support the message or if the message is received within the context of other messages and situations with which the individual is familiar ?Reinforcement ?People tend to ignore or react negatively to messages that conflict with their value or belief systems Appeals to Self-interest ?Appeal to psychological, economic, or situational needs ?Maslow's hierarchy of needs Audience Participation ?Workers involving in the problem solving Distribution of samples ?The act of participation encouraged by activist groups Suggestions for Action ? Recommendations for action must be clear to follow Source Credibility ?Expertise ?Sincerity ?Charisma Clarity of Message ?Public relations practitioners should ask two questions ?Will the audience understand the message? ?What do I want the audience to do with the message? Content and structure of messages ?Drama and stories ?Surveys and polls ?Statistics ?Examples ?Endorsements ?Causes and rationales ?Emotional appeals Channels ?Different media can be used for diverse public relations purposes television ?newspaper ?radio ?social networking sites ?face-to-face communication Timing and Context ?Timing and context should be considered for achieving publicity in the mass media as well as for being persuasive Reinforcement ?A public relations campaign should be in sync with an audience's core value or belief system Limits of persuasion ?Lack of message penetration ?Competing or conflict messages ?Self-selection ?Self perception Chapter 8: Managing competition and conflict Overview ?A new way of thinking: conflict and competition ?the role of public relations in managing conflict it depends: factors that affect conflict management ?the conflict management life cycle ?managing the life cycle of a conflict A New Way of Thinking: Conflict and Competition ?Public relations can be defined as the strategic management of competition and conflict ?Competition ?Conflict Role of public relations in managing conflict ?Strategic conflict management ?Conflict is inherent in public relations process ?PR professionals must develop communication strategies to manage the conflict What do you think? ?What are some real world examples of conflict management? Is conflict always bad for organizations? Why or why not? It Depends: Factors that Affect Conflict Management ?Stance-drive approach in managing conflict and competition ?External and internal variables > stance > strategy The Threat Appraisal Model ?PR professionals monitor for threats, assess those threats, arrive at a desirable stance for the organization, and then begin communications efforts from that stance ?situational demands ?resources Contingency theory ?Contingency factors ?a matrix of factors drive the stance ?The contingency continuum ?The stance is dynamic; it changes as events unfold The Conflict Management Life Cycle Proactive – to prevent a conflict from arising ?environmental scanning ?issues tracking ?issues management ?crisis planning ? Strategic – emerging conflict is identified as needing action ?risk communication ?conflict positioning ?crisis management ?Reactive – must react when conflict reaches a critical level of impact ?crisis communication ?litigation pr ?conflict resolutions ?Recovery – strategies employed aftermath to bolster or repair reputation ?reputation management ?image restoration Managing the Life Cycle of a Conflict ?Four systematic processes ?Issues management A proactive approach to ?predict problems ?anticipate threats ?minimize surprises ?resolve issues ?prevent crises ?Strategic positioning and risk communication ? Strategic positioning ?communication efforts to position the organization favorably regarding competition and conflict ?Risk communication ?an attempt to communicate risks to the public that impact health, safety, and the envorinment ?Crisis management ?Smoldering crises ?a study but the institute for crisis management found that 86% of business crises were â€Å"smoldering crises. † ?How various organizations respond to crises Coombs' crisis communication strategies ?attack the accuser ?denial ?excuse ?justification ?ingratiation ?corrective action ?full apology ?Reputation management ?The three foundations of reputation ?economic performance ?social responsiveness ?the ability to deliver valuable outcomes to stakeholders ?Image restoration ?denial ?evade responsibility ?reduce offensiveness ?corrective action ?apology Deja Vu – All over again ?Conflict management is like deja vu all over again by starting once again with tasks such as environmental scanning and issues tracking Chapter 9: Ethics and the Law Overview ?What is ethics? ?Professional guidelines ?Dealing with the news media ?Public relations and the law ?Employee communications ?Copyright law ?Fair use versus infringement ?Trademark law ?Regulations by government agencies ?Liability for sponsored events ?Working with lawyers What is Ethics? ?Value system by which a person determines what is right or wrong What Do You Think? ?How can a public relations practitioner play the role of an â€Å"ethical advocate? † The Ethical Advocate ?The ethical advocate is operating within an assigned role ?Ethical decisions are made based on the public interest ?the interests of employer/client ?professional organization code of ethics ?personal values Professional Guidelines ?PRSA Code of Ethics ?Values ?Advocacy ?Serving the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for clients or employers ?Honesty ? Adhering to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interest of clients and employers ?Expertise ?Advancing the profession through continued professional development, research, and education ?Independence ?Providing objective counsel and being accountable for individual actions ?Loyality Being faithful to clients and employers, but also honoring an obligation to serve the public interest ?Fairness ?Respecting all opinions and supporting the right of free expression ?Provisions ?Free flow of information ?Competition ?Disclosure of information ?Safeguarding confidence ?Conflicts of interest ?Enhancing the profession Codes of Conduct ?The role of professional organizations ?public relations society of america (PRSA) and international association of business communicators (IABC) ?to set the standards and ethical behavior of the public relations profession Ethics in Individual Practice Ethics in public relations begins with the individual, and is directly related to h is or her own value system as well as to the good of society Dealing With the News Media ?Trust ?Gift giving undermines the relationship between public relations professionals and the media ? Transparency Public Relations and the Law ?Defamation ?libel (printed), slander (oral) ?making a false statement about a person or organization that creates public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or inflicts injury on reputation ?Avoiding libel suites ?four requirements for filing a libel suit ?false statement ?identified or identifiable actual injury ?negligence Employee Communications ?Product publicity and advertising ?written permission required ?Employee free speech ?freedom of expression ?employees are limited in expressing opinions within the corporate environment ?privacy vs monitoring ?FOIA and government officials ?whistle-blowing Copyright Law ?Copyright is the protection of creative work from unauthorized use ?registration is not a condition of copyright protection, but it is a prerequisite to an infringement action against unauthorized use by others ? What organizational materials should be copyrighted? How can you use the copyrighted materials of others? Fair Use Versus Infringement ?Fair use allows partial use of copyrighted material with attribution ?Permission is required if used in advertisements or promotional items ?New copyright issues on the internet have been raised ?Rule of thumb: ?get permission ?give credit The Rights of Photographers and Artists ?Freelance and commercial photographers retain ownership of their work ?The rights of freelance writers ?unless a company has a specific contract with a freelance writer to produce work that will be exclusively owned by that company, the freelancer owns his or her work Trademark Law ?Trademarks are registered words, names, symbols, or devices used to identify a product ?The protection of trademarks ?always capitalized never used as nouns (Kleenex tissues, Xerox copies) ?Trademark infringement ?the downside for a corporation who trademark becomes too commonly used Misappropriation of Personality ?A form of trademark infringement ?Unauthorized use of well-known entertainers, professional athletes, and other public figures in an organization's publicity and advertising materials Regulations by Government Agencies ?The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ?The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ?Other regulatory agencies ?The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ?The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms ?The Federal Communications Commission Liability for Sponsored Events ?Plant tours and open houses ?Considerations ?logistics ?work disruptions ?safety ?staffing Working with Lawyers ?A cooperative relationship must exist between public relations personnel and legal counsel

Sunday, September 29, 2019

National Geographic: the World’s Most Dangerous Drug

The World's Most Dangerous Drug is a documentary produced by the National Geographic Channel in 2006, that explores the disturbing effects of methamphetamines, not only to those who use the drug but also to those people associated with them. American journalist and news presenter, Lisa Ling, takes the viewer on a journey to the mental and physical aftermath of taking Meth. The use of selection and omission, re-enactment and archival material, manipulation of codes and actuality, all contribute to the portrayal of the issues presented in this documentary. These issues conspire: the high percentage of crimes in the United States created by meth users, the promising lives destroyed by Meth and the life-long damage Meth has done to those who have stopped taking it, yet are still under the influence of the drug. Selection and Omission plays an important part in portraying the ideas of the documentary because it is an effective technique used to control what the audiences are able to view and what they are not. Interviews are widely used, not only of the Meth users but also of those who deal with the issue of meth on a daily basis. Examples of interviews that stood out were the ones of Kobe Kempey and his family. The portrayal of the idea that anyone can be victimised by Meth is initialised through these interviews. Kempey’s life story also depicts the lives of those who have survived being meth addicts in the past, however are still haunted by it. Professional interviews from doctors and from the police are used to show the lifelong consequences Meth does to people and to communities. The audiences are purposely affected by the interviews so that they can sympathise with the Meth victims and so thatthey are aware of the repercussions of taking the drug. The archival material shown in the beginning of the documentary creates a feeling of anxiety within the audience and introduces the main objective of the film. Through the footage and sound, the audiences are aware of the growing popularity of Meth among young adults. The re-enactment of Michael Wamsley and Janel Hornickel’s experience, half-way through the documentary, rogresses this idea and proves the promising lives destroyed by Meth. Similarly, the documentary Sicko, by Michael Moore, uses archival footage and sound to show real events and to make the documentary more persuasive. The manipulation of codes can affect one’s reading of a text. Symbolic codes are shown throughout the film to signify various meanings. The American flag is shown outside the Meth house to convey the idea of Methamphetam ines ravaging communities in America. The British pound being used as a ‘spliff’ also informs the audience that meth, not only ravages American communities, but also damages other countries through its diversity. Actuality is a code of realism that involves the recording of images and sounds on location as they actually happen. An example was when Lisa Ling went to a Bangkok red-light district to film the two, Thai, young women taking Meth for more booze. The women did not want to be shown on camera due to the constraints in the country. This scene depicts a real event that occurred in an unrehearsed situation. It represents the cultural context of Thailand and a part of their way of social life. Another example is of the ‘drug deal’ scene with the undercover cop, Sean Christian. This documentary is presented in third person Point of view to look at the issue of Meth from a different perspective. The Thai government’s values of discipline and safety throughout the country were conveyed through 3rd person P. O. V. The audiences are aware of those values because of the event that was shown in the documentary. A few footages from â€Å"Bankok’s Brutal Crackdown on Meth in 2003† were shown to purposely appeal to the audience and make them more aware of the generation of Thai Meth addicts. Visual effects and confronting images both assist in making this text more persuasive. Diagrams of the brain were shown to give the audience an insight to what really occurs inside the body when Meth is consumed. Before and after images of meth addicts were shown to reveal the physical effects and ‘meth mouths’ to portray the dame Meth causes to the teeth. Confronting advertisements from the Montana Meth Project were also shown to target young audiences and to promote their campaign. Repetition is also used, when showing the Meth bags and the ‘Methamphetamines’ medical sign to highlight the important of knowing what meth looks like to avoid wasted lives of addiction. Technological developments such as, animation allowed this portrayal to be more powerful. This documentary was produced mainly in the American states of Portland and Omaha and also in Bangkok, Thailand in 2006. Technological developments have made travelling to these destinations more accessible. This is a large-scale type of production because it was produces by the national Geographic Channel. The World’s Most Dangerous Drug depicts the mental and physical effects of taking Meth through the use of selection and omission, re-enactment and archival material, manipulation of codes, actuality and visual effects to raise awareness concerning the issue of methamphetamines, continuing to seduce millions around the world, infecting brains and bringing crime, chaos and death wherever it goes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

United Health Care

Despite the struggling economy across the nation, UnitedHealthcare businesses soared in growth and increased their year over year revenues by 8% in 2010. They widened their customer base by 1. 2 million individuals. The economy turmoil was a significant reason for the growth in Medicaid program participation rising almost 15% from year to year. Additionally, the aging â€Å"baby boomer† generation contributed in the spike of 16% in Medicare Advantage consumers in 2010. After suffering a 1. million membership loss in 2009; the commercial market experienced a dramatic turnaround that resulted in a net gain of 185,000 people served in 2010. â€Å"The improvements were driven by newer, more affordable products, better customer retention, better service, and lower employee attrition trends among our customers† (CEO, 2011). UnitedHealthcare is a division of the UnitedHealth Group. The organization is the largest health carrier in America; they are top contenders in leading th e industry in the insurance business, customer service, community involvement, and philanthropy contribution. The company originated in 1977and continues to grow, improve, and evolve the health industry standards among it competitors. The ability to stay ahead of the curve in the technological advances has become a leveraging tool attracting their services to the medical professionals.. The company offers individuals and families a choice between six types of offers. Co-pay- This is where the patient must pay a required fee for certain office visits and preventative care appointments and procedures. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) – A tax free account helping offset a high deductable and lower cost plan for some people. High Deductible – This allows a person peace of mind for ensuring protection for a major medical need. Usually, the preventative and well visits are self paid by the patient. Short Term Medical – this plan is offered to customers who need a temporary short term plan to smoothly transition to another employer or plan. Student Coverage- this plan is offered through the educational sector that is comparable to a employer group plan and benefits. Medicare and Medicaid – UnitedHealth plans have been chosen for many area Medicare and Medicaid governmental choice. Lower income may choose between a HMO and another type of plan offered. Dental Insurance Plans – This plan is specific to dental well care and repair of teeth within the dentistry industry. Their products are prices are moderate in the market; however, the company believes that the best medicine for any disease is prevention. United Healthcare believes in educating the public on prevention, care, and nutritious lifestyles. The more education American’s receive results in a possibility of preventive measures and teaching health will bring healthy citizens. This will result in fewer illnesses and lower costs overall. The promoted charitable attitude and encouragement are a highly admirable feature within the company and exhibits the genuine nature of caring for people. The support to disaster relief affected areas, youth involvement, and contributions to the less fortunate living in shelters or decreasing the feeding the hungry, or food drives bring a healthier tomorrow within our country. Community investment will yield high profit margins and/ or positive opportunity costs results are being demonstrated consistently by UnitedHealthcare by their actions, financial, and awards they have earned. †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"UnitedHealthcare named 2009 Best Health Plan Provider by readers of Business Insurance magazine† †¢UnitedHealthcare receives Patriot Award for Support of National Guard and Reserve †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"UnitedHealthcare is ranked One of 50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work For in the U. S. According to Latina Style Magazine† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Affairs is named as, One of Black Enterprise's â€Å"100 Most Powerful Executives in Corporate America† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"UnitedHealth Group Receives Hispanic Health Leadership Award† †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"UnitedHealthcare President among FORTUNE Top 50 Most Powerful Women. (United HealthCare Services, 2011) Currently, they are providers to approximately seventy-five million ci tizens in the U. S. The network the company has built among health professionals includes, â€Å"654,000 physicians and health care professionals, 80,000 dentists, and 5,127 hospitals† (UnitedHealth Care, 2011). Additionally, a pharmaceutical plan assists thirteen million others acquire more affordable cost and access to drugs prescribed. The large network relationship the company has built is a large contributing factor for UnitedHealth care being recognized as a leader in the industry. The success of the business is derived by the strong mission statement and values the company strives to meet and exceed with their customers. Works Cited CEO, U. G. (2011, January 20). Seeking Alpha: Unitedhealth Group CEO Discusses Q4 2010 . Retrieved January 30, 2011, from United HealthCare Services. (2011, January). United HealthCare Products & Services. Retrieved January 30, 2011, from UnitedHealth Care. (2011). United Health Care – Helping People Live Healthier Lives. Retrieved 01 29, 2011, from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Continued Review of Article on Hypertension Coursework

Continued Review of Article on Hypertension - Coursework Example Alternatively, in the blood pressure measures, the total prevalence reflected that 287 cases were a part of the socio-demographic correlates in the tackling of dependent variables such as central obesity and cardiovascular disease. It means the 250 respondents who are equivalent to 20.2 percent are calculated using the multivariate logistic regression supported by Creswell in his tables. On the other hand, the descriptive statistics applied amongst 45,587 individuals spread in 11 villages and found among 7,164 families indicate the disparity in correlation especially for testing true and false hypotheses. Additionally, in the data sets as observed in the statistical tables, analysing random variables is crucial because it will reject null data acquired during the sampling method. In the case study, for instance, an allowable error of between 15 and 95 percent was permitted because the hypothesis could not cover all the socio-demographic risk factors and variables. Overall, the rationale for using the experimental study is to help in comparing the various data

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Give a full critical account of the Copenhagen criteria. Consider, in Essay

Give a full critical account of the Copenhagen criteria. Consider, in particular, whether they might create double standards as some commentators have suggested - Essay Example Examination shows that the constitutional predicament of this enlargement causes the danger of double standards, as concealed methods are deemed to be used in order to protect the selectiveness of the EU. In order to have membership to the European Union, Member States and their institutions must expand on approaches that can manage the transaction connecting deeper integration between Member States and widening to include new candidate countries. Therefore, the debate is whether the European Union is providing generosity or has amplified these double standards [2]. The criteria developed at Copenhagen European Council (1993) requires that a country has to have the capacity to maintain democratic governance and human rights, have a working market economy, and be able to recognize and agree to the requirements and objectives of the European Union. Many of these fundamentals have been explained over the course of the last fifteen years by legislation of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament, in addition to European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice [3]. In spite of the dissimilarity among the old Member States of the European Union, the fifth enlargement was foreseeable as a new integrated Europe would not be able to limit itself to only Western Europe [4]. Therefore, the enlargement of the European Union can be seen as an amalgamated and incorporated development of Europe after the end of the Cold War, as the countries which were formerly linked to the Soviet Union or the Warsaw pact are now independent European countries, and also democratic, with a substantive market economy, and after working towards implementing membership criteria declared by the Copenhagen European Council in 1993, are able to join the European Union [2]. Therefore, the stipulations for membership of the European Union

FINANCE COURSE ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FINANCE COURSE ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Initiating utilizable financial information is even more complicated in comparison to companies performing at the national level. The MNE s face contrasting practices of accounting between various states and they end up with difficulties in making comparisons. More so, the comparison issue is made hard since they make profits in currencies that are different. Therefore, MNE company groups need to report the accounting operations in consolidated accounts for their global gains and losses. Most recently, the financial aspects have been made more complex by the increasing requirement to do a segmental reporting. (Muchlinski, 1999) First, before the issue of external sources of finance for public MNEs is looked at it is important to note that the internal sources of capital are mostly preferred in the US. The reason for this is that internal financing is considered less costly compared to the external sources. Furthermore, companies may not wish to disclose their information regarding operations to external parties. Lastly, the scenario of asymmetric information places hurdles to a firm’s ability to seek financing externally. (Rugman, 2004) External sources of capital are essential just like internal sources of capital. These may include sources such as Eurodollars, or bank loans. Generally, the sources of funding for MNEs differ due to maturity, geographical sourcing, currency used in the denomination as well as institutional sourcing. External capital sources may either be national or else international. National sources of capital may cater for both short-term and long-term financing. Short-term financing may refer to bridge loans, overdrafts or medium term loans that are discountable. Long-term financing may relate to bonds, long-term loans and equity. International sources may range from international bonds, international equity or even Eurobonds. This study is going to narrow down and discuss

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Communication Approach To Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 16

Communication Approach To Music - Essay Example Additionally, songs are also used as the alternative mean of communication for children who do not respond adequately to traditional treatment approaches. Physiotherapist throughout the world uses music or songs to do therapies and believe that it’s a way of relaxing the mind and body of human being. Not only human beings but birds also use songs as a tool of communication. Oliver Wendell Holmes says, â€Å"Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons.   You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body†. Well apart from bath it has become an effective tool of communication in fact some researchers believe that in early stages of human life music was used more as a tool of communication rather than for enjoyment purpose or pleasure so we can say that early forms of human language were actually developed through music but now it is also fulfilling many functions in different cultures. An important social role that music is playing is in favor of marketers as it helps them in form of jingles to sell their products. Repetition of these jingles on mass media makes them memorable ever after. One of the most memorable jingles was the one aired in mid-seventies and the strange thing about it was that it was an ad of venereal disease but its lyrics were very interesting like: If you want to know about a culture that is very unfamiliar to you will think first about getting hold of its art and music. From whistling of birds to bells of the church, from national anthems to songs of an emotional love story, music is used to convey emotions. In Greek culture, music is used to educate people and boys are taught music at the age of six whereas Indian Classical music is one of the oldest musical customs in the history of the world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning English by Lynn Cameron. Learning Literacy Skills, Grammar Essay

Learning English by Lynn Cameron. Learning Literacy Skills, Grammar and Learning through Stories - Essay Example In the first parts of the chapter, topics such as the theory of how grammar is learned is first presented. As the chapter progresses, this theory is applied through techniques that are effective inside the classroom. At the opening of the chapter, the author negates the ongoing belief that â€Å"grammar has no place in a young learner classroom† (Cameron 96). By exploring the idea of learning grammar through the eyes of the learner, Cameron opens an avenue for the possibility of effectively teaching grammar to very young English language learners. Here, on of the most important point that Cameron emphasized is that â€Å"grammar is closely tied into meaning and use of language, and is inter-connected with vocabulary† (Cameron 96). This makes one realize therefore that it is possible that there is no such thing as â€Å"wrong grammar,† but just a non-standard grammar when applied in the English language. However, this does not mean that grammar is not important, s ince it is crucial especially in â€Å"express[ing] precise meanings in discourse† (Cameron 98). This is where pedagogical grammars come into play. According to Cameron, â€Å"Pedagogical grammars are explicit descriptions of patterns, or rules, in a language, presented in ways that are helpful to teachers and to learners† (100). ... It can also be inferred from this chapter that since different languages may have different rules in grammar, English language learners could benefit from encouraging their curiosity, and being introduced to the â€Å"patterns and contrasts in and between languages [in and between the learner's first language and English]† (Cameron 121). This also means that teaching grammar to young English language learners can be done effectively not through formal teaching, but by introducing it whenever an opportunity shows up. Here is where one of the strongest points of the chapter lies. All within these theories and principles of teaching presented, the author also focuses on presenting classroom data. This allows readers to link the chapter's concepts to application inside the classroom, and to focus on what really happens inside classrooms of young English language learners. It is also good that this style is presented through conversations with different young learners', because not only it shows that it is applicable in almost every foreign learner situation, but also emphasizes that there are still several emergent concepts inside a young English language learner's classroom. Chapter 6: Learning Literacy Skills In this chapter, author Lynn Cameron provides readers important insights on how young learners of English develop literacy skills. Just like the previous chapter, this specific area of learning in a young English learner's classroom requires a teacher who is not only skilled in teaching, but also well-informed when it comes to some issues and concerns on the learning of literacy skills especially of young kids. The chapter provides useful information on the applicable strategies and effective principles for teaching based on the contemporary

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Principles subject assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Principles subject - Assignment Example r wants or needs, developing goods and services to fulfill these needs, and generating and then increasing a demand for these products and services ( Marketing Association, 2014). A market orientation is a principle in which all workers are dedicated to the continuous development of higher worth for consumers (e.g., Narver and Slater, 1990; (Deshpande, Farley and Webster Jr, 1993; Slater and Narver, 1994). A market orientation consists of three main behavioral components: customer orientation which includes the constant consideration of the desires of the objective consumers and creating consumer value by using this knowledge. Next is competitor orientation which involves the continuous consideration of the abilities and policies of the major existing and other satisfiers of the objective customers and the use of information in generating higher buyer worth. Last is interfunctional coordination which involves in the coordination of all roles in the business in consuming consumer and other market data to create bigger value for clients (Narver and Slater, 1990, Dawes, 2000). Morrison should device consumer needs in the market and produces products to match those needs by participating in wide marketing research. This will help Morrison’s in raising the production prices of goods and facilities or services. Market segmentation is the division of markets into similar sets of customers, each of them responding in a different way to communication, pricing, promotion and other elements of the marketing mix. There should be a small difference between customers in each segment when forming market segments. Thus, every division or segment can be spoke with an independently directed marketing mix. (Perner, 2014) Segmentation is the foundation for mounting targeted and real marketing plans. Moreover, investigation of market segments allows assessments about strength of marketing happenings in specific segments. A segment-orientated marketing method usually suggests a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dance of Life Essay Example for Free

Dance of Life Essay The painting â€Å"Dance of Life†, created by Edvard Munch in 1900, is a painting that portrays people in different stages of life. It portrays two women who seem sad, a third woman who seems happy, and a bunch of other women dancing with men. The painting implies that life is difficult and that it can be depressing at times, but that it always goes on. The arrangement of the women in a half circle represents the phases of life. The women on the end of the half circle are both standing alone. The woman on the far left stands alone, representing youth, and wears white, representing innocence. The woman on the far right stands alone, representing the loneliness of old age, and she wears black, representing death or loss. The women dancing in the background represent the different phases of life and the enjoyment that can be found in every phase of life. The woman in the center of the painting represents the idea of being out of step with the ‘dance of life’. She wears a red dress, different from all the others. Red represents danger or anger which can be perceived as negative, but by painting her in the center the artist respects her unique position in life and implies that her difference from the rest is a positive quality. The way that others are turned towards her represents how people in society center so much of their lives on attention to others’ decisions. More than half of the painting has a green background representing life and vitality. The top quarter of the painting is a blue body of water that simultaneously represent tranquility. The juxtaposition of these two represents the necessity of having balance in your life. The green, as well as the people dancing, represent the joy to be found in life. Most of life should be joyous, coupled with the tranquility, silence, and reflection represented by the blue and the three girls not dancing. The different colors used in this painting represent all the different aspects in life and how important it is to acknowledge all of them. The artist doesn’t use harsh lines or defined shapes in this painting. All the shapes are smooth and rounded. It really adds to the implication that life flows. The smooth shapes help the painting transition from left to right. The smooth shapes support the half circle shape and it all works together to create a path for the eye to follow. There’s not a large contrast of darkness and light; most of the painting is dark except for one column where the sun is, which casts more light on the girl in white. This gives the idea that there’s more light, more carefree-ness in the youth. The entire painting is two dimensional. Though there are clearly different rows and elements to this painting, the grass, water, and sky all seem to run together in a flat way. This gives the feeling that we are bigger than life; that we are bigger than the problems of the world around us. The painting has three central points of interest; the three women in their different phases of life are set up as the most significant points of the painting. It represents the phases of life and brings to mind the emotions associated with those phases. The young girl in the white dress stands next to flowers which only accentuate the idea of youth and imply that the girl, like the flowers, will still continue to grow. The older woman on the end seems to have a morose, solemn look about her. It implies introspection and reflection on the long life she’s lived. It gives pause to the viewer and causes them to be solemn. One reason the painting conveys its message so well is because of the way the women are set up in contrast to each other. The harmony in the painting is created in the way that the women wear white and the men wear black. It creates a calm background which sets up a better backdrop to set the three women apart. The sun setting over the water creates a smooth backdrop and adds an idea of resignment to the painting; as though it’s okay to accept this ‘dance of life’ as a way of living. Unity is completely achieved in this painting as all of the people have something in common; be it gender, clothing color, or disposition. This is a closed compositional painting and it’s emphasized by the circle closing off at the edges of both paintings. It represents the idea of the circle of life and ensures that every aspect of life is contained in the painting. The lines and structure of this painting seem unintentional. The lines of the grass and the separation between the water and the sky aren’t straight or harsh. They’re smooth and blurred, creating an intentionally casual dynamic. The point of view of the painter is that life is short and that people are happiest in their youth. The older woman seems to have a look of remorse or regret on her face as she stares at the lady in red. The painter seems to be saying that we, as the viewers, should enjoy our youth and live without regrets. It also gives implications about life and the human experience; life is contained in a short circle and passes by quickly. In any phase of life, there are things to be enjoyed and appreciated because life passes by way too quickly. The painter’s view of the world is that there’s good aspects of every part of life. He seems to think that youth is the best part of life and that mistakes are central to life. The way that everyone circles around the woman in red represents that life circles around mistakes and trials but that it’s all surmountable. The painting accurately describes the way that the artist sees the way the life begins and ends; the way that we start as the girl in white—innocent and hopeful and young—and that we end as the lady in black—feeling morose and sad and as though life has slipped away all too suddenly. The way that she looks at the girl in red implies that the painter thinks that in our old age all we have to look back on is the choices we made, the friends we choose to keep, and the happiness that we choose to create. Though this was painted in 1900, it very accurately represents our culture right now. It’s a reminder to seize the day, to live for the moment, to make the most of whatever phase of life you’re in so that you won’t look back at the end of life and regret choices or missed opportunities. This painting causes me to reflect on my life and the decisions that I make. It makes me want to focus more on being happy with the phase of life that I’m in and to appreciate being youthful and carefree. It reinforces the desire to not make decisions that will keep me out of the circle. The painting gives the feeling that life is to be enjoyed, and that no matter what it will keep going.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Music Of Claude Debussy And Dmitri Shostakovich Music Essay

Music Of Claude Debussy And Dmitri Shostakovich Music Essay The Romantic era presented many European composers who referred to themselves, or were referred to by others, as nationalist. Nationalism was very important because it allowed societies to continue to remain loyal to their country and allowed the country to gain cultural identity and individuality. Our definitions of nationalism are extremely vague and inconsistent, as many composers music seems to fit under the nationalist category. This is why the definition of musical nationalism must be refined, so that only composers whose music truly represents all aspects of their nation may be called nationalist. This means that the music must first and foremost appeal to the people and must reflect the nations cultural identity, rather than superimpose a culture upon it. The composer must also keep in mind the nations past and reveal hopes for the future. This means that a true nationalists music, in essence, becomes the nation by not simply encompassing the views of one member of society, o r even one group in society, but of the nation as a whole. Claude Debussy is known today as one of the great French composers who, in the words of Robert Orledge, was ever concerned with the necessity for French music to be true to itself. Orledge described his final series of chamber sonatas as enveloping a nationalistic spirit looking back to Rameau. Debussy was known for incorporating many international influences into his music, most notably the music of the Russian Five, and the Javanese gamelan. All of this considered, is it truly logical to refer to Debussys music as nationalistic, or even French for that matter? Is it not equally possible to call it Russian, since, quite arguably, most of his musical influences stem from there? Before a decision can be made concerning nationalism in Debussys music, we must take a look at the music of Dmitri Shostakovich. The creation of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of the largest obstacle for Russian composers. It was first time in history where a government, a secular power, had a direct say in the subject matter and appropriate style of all art forms. During the Soviet Union, it was the composers job to acquire culture which already existed amongst the intelligentsia (the Russian intellectual class), rather than to invent their own culture. The artistic movement enforced by the Soviet government between 1936 and 1950 was known as Socialist Realism, described by Stalin as an art national in form and socialist in content. This made it nearly impossible to express or create without crossing the very fine line set by the State. Artists of the time faced constant fear of exile and unemployment. The composers who did comply with the rules, however, became terrifically wealthy and were able to thrive under Soviet rule, earning up to 10,000 rubles per work commissioned by the Union of Soviet Compo sers. Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich was one such composer. During the social realist period, Shostakovich came back from a temporary downfall stronger than ever with the aim to write music which was consistent with the changes brought on by the Revolution and which was, above anything else, to be created for his people. Shostakovich composed symphonies which would restore his glory and forever mark him as one of the great symphonic composers. Shostakovich had managed to please his audience by progressing in innovativeness, continuing Beethovens and Tchaikovskys strong symphonic traditions, and composing in a way that can truly be considered nationalistic. Shostakovichs music represented the epitome of Soviet nationalism and there are numerous elements present in his music which prove this. Shostakovichs main goal as a composer after his revival was to please the people which formed his nation. During an interview with an American correspondent, Shostakovich illustrated this by saying: I consider that every artist who isolates himself from the world is doomed. I find it incredible that an artist should want to shut himself away from the people, who, in the end, form his audience. Shostakovichs music was in touch with the national character of the time: it contained quotations of popular folk songs, was historically significant, and reflected the social realist style of the time. In an article about Soviet music, Nicolas Slonimsky stated that, the musical biography of Shostakovich is a perfect mirror of the changing policies in Soviet music. Shostakovich is the product of Soviet life. An important example of this can be seen in Shostako vichs 7th symphony which was performed on March 1st, 1942 in the temporary capital of Kuibishev. It represented the survival and victory of the nation, inspired by the battle of Leningrad. The main theme is of a Soviet war hero which drowns out a second hesitant, puppet-like theme representing the Germans. Shostakovich used this piece to build the morale of the nation, and helped fight the war from a cultural standpoint. It is true, however, that Shostakovich did succumb to artistic compromise during the social realist movement in order to provide for his family and continue to work as a composer. At the time, Shostakovich wrote music which was loyal to the state, but he did not necessarily agree with the government`s policies. Of course, speaking out loud about his disagreement with the authorities was impossible. Contrary to popular belief, this couldn`t be more irrelevant to whether or not he composed in a nationalistic style. A nation, after all, is defined by the unity of its people, and has absolutely nothing to do with the policies of its government. A composer may whole-heartedly agree with the politics of a country, but still fail to represent its people, its history, its culture and the nation as a whole in their music. Of much importance, on the other hand, is the fact that Shostakovich kept the history of Russian music alive by incorporating compositional techniques used by his predecessors; however, he did not do so in a strictly imitative manner. He made use of the hopelessly sombre mood and the spirit of universal humanity of Tchaikovsky, the folk elements of Prokofiev and, finally the inventiveness of Stravinskys music. In utilizing these elements, Shostakovich was able to continue his countrys strong symphonic reputation and paved the way for new composers by applying innovative orchestration, contrasting orchestral timbres, increasing chromaticism, and vigorously precise rhythms. The innovativeness Shostakovich possessed is an essential quality to have as a nationalist composer, because without innovativeness, one cannot expect to continue the cultural and artistic legacy of a country. In the words of Ernest Newman musicians are generally driven to nationalism as a revolt against foreign influence., much like the Russians did during the 19th century when Italian and German influences were taking over. Rather than escaping foreign influence, Debussy turned to it and incorporated it into his music. Debussys music is no more French than French fries are. Just because one is called French and claims to love their country, does not mean they are intrinsically and whole-heartedly French. As Ernest Newman said: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦however typically Russian a Russian may be, he is not a Russian if he looks, as many Russians do, beyond the borders of his own country, and finds certain aspects of foreign art more interesting than the indigenous art of the home territory. There is no doubt that Debussy was a brilliant composer, but it is quite obvious that he did look far, far beyond the influence of his own nation. How is it then, that we can even begin to consider him as a music ien franà §ais, especially when comparing him to true nationalists like Shostakovich? Rollo H. Meyers argues that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Debussy, from the very beginning of his creative career, always knew exactly what kind of music he wanted to write, and no influence whatever could have made him change his course. If he took anything from others, he only took what, in a sense, already belonged to himà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. This is not unlike modernizing verses of Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet and claiming them to be your own invention because Shakespeares timeless writing already belonged to you. It is people like Meyers who contribute to the constant false identification of nationalism in many composers music. 21Slonimsky, Dmitri Dmitrievitch Shostakovitch, 415. Shostakovich, unlike Debussy, was one of the few composers to truly combine being a good musician with being a good nationalist. He was a true professional when creating his music and always found new ways of appealing to his audience. On top of all of this, he managed to deliver ground-breaking techniques and advance the future of music. His music was revolutionary yet was not overly experimental as to cause a disconnection from his audience. This is especially remarkable considering the limitations set by the Soviet authorities. Even though Debussy is evidently a Frenchman, if one compares him to Shostakovich, it is hard to understand how one could ever consider Debussys music as being French. This so called French quality of his music is really just his Debussyist style of composing, which is purely unique to him, and is not a reflection of his country or his people. This comparison allows us to rethink the definition of nationalism in music and what it means to truly represent a nation. To be nationalist does not mean that one must be born or even grow up in a country. It means that one must act with the nations best interests at heart, and not look beyond that nation for influence. To be a nationalist is to, in essence, encapsulate the past, present, and future of the nation all at once, and to create music which is of the people, by the people, for the people. One must also not be too experimental on an audience, since that immediately disengages them and does nothing to unite a nation. The musical and cultural influences brought upon by truly talented and nationalist composers like Shostakovich were, and still are, extremely significant. Whether or not one agrees, or even whether or not Shostakovich himself agreed with the politics of the Soviet Union is irrelevant. Shostakovich wrote for his people above anything else. He reflected the cultural and historical significance of his country in his music and, despite the oppressive forces of the Soviet government, co ntinued to compose innovatively and in a way which advanced the future of music. It would be difficult to disagree that a figure like Shostakovich was exactly what the struggling country needed at the time: a truly nationalist composer who would write first and foremost for his country and for his people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Niels Bohrs Model Of The Hydrogen Atom :: essays research papers

Niels Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom, was the primary reason for the understanding of energy levels.Bohr was able to explain the bright line spectrum of hydrogen. Sparked by the recent discovery of the diffraction patterns, scientists believed electrons could be described as waves. Bohr hypothesized that energy is being added to the hydrogen gas in the electricity form, and then leaving the gas in the form of light. He figured the light rays to be quantized, meaning only certain frequencies of the light rays can be seen. In turn, he reasoned that the hydrogen atoms themselves were quantized and, that they only can exist in certain energy levels. When the atoms absorb specific amounts of energy, they exist for a small period of time in higher energy levels. But as soon as these atoms lose their energy, they move back down to the lower levels of energy. His theory went on to state how the hydrogen atom can move up and down the energy levels, one level at a time, and can never stop in between. Every hydrogen atom is made up of a single electron - proton system. Because the negative electron is attracted to the positive proton, potential energy is created inside the atom.He figured that the farther away the electron is from the proton, the greater the potential energy is inside. In conclusion, since hydrogen atoms emit light energy in specific frequencies, the hydrogen atom must be within a specific energy level and nothing else. The different wavelengths help to determine the different colors emitted from the atom. The greater the wavelength, the faster the atom can be filled and jump to a higher level.Bohr developed his theory after studying the work of Einstein's ideas on the photons of energy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Writing and Architecture :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Writing and Architecture A story is not a story until it is told. The way that this is done gives it depth, meaning, and tone. A house is not a house until it is built. The way that this is done gives it character, purpose, and life. Writing and architecture are very similar in that the idea of the piece is expressed through the choices that are made. It is up to the author or designer to determine how the idea will be interpreted and what method will be used to communicate the idea. Choosing the means that will express the idea is a critical decision that will affect the outcome in dramatic ways. When designing a house, an architect will establish an architectural idea that will be an underlying factor in the design. After choosing an idea, a means of articulating the idea is determined that will suit the client and relate to the context of its surroundings, whether it be sympathetic or contrastive. The basic form or shape of the house begins to give it meaning and locates the frame of reference. An important factor in building a house is whether the house is built to replicate past periods, such as Victorian, or has a modern design. The actual design of the house, where the walls, doors, and windows will be placed, brings out the architectural idea. In a book dealing with the architecture of houses the author has this to say: "Windows do more than let in light and air. The way they are placed in a wall affects our understanding of the whole house" (Moore, Allen, Lyndon qtd. in Allen 203). The materials bring another level of understanding to the design. The difference between cedar shingles and modular steel panels is significant when determining the tone of the house. I shall always remember how as a child I played on the wooden floor. The wide boards were warm and friendly, and in their texture I discovered a rich and enchanting world of veins and knots. I also remember the comfort and security experienced when falling asleep next to the round logs of an old timber wall; a wall which was not just a plain surface but had a plastic presence like everything alive. Thus sight, touch, and even smell were satisfied, which is as it should be when a child meets the world. (Norberg-Shultz qtd.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador Essay

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador The Civil War in El Salvador was an event that most individuals misunderstood. A twelve year conflict and a power struggle that claimed to keep communism out of El Salvador killed 75,000 people and the whole story still remains untold. The Civil War in El Salvador was a conflict that roughly started in 1980 and ended with the peace accords in 1992. These dates are rough because there were many conflicts before 1980 and even after the peace accords were signed in 1992 the â€Å"death squads [1] † were still active every now and again. With respect to United States involvement, the reason the United States was initially involved was to block communist rule from spreading to another country. In hope of preventing this â€Å"communist spread†, the U.S. trained and equipped the Salvadoran military to be very powerful and very dangerous. The reason the U.S. felt the military would stop communism is because leftist groups had begun to organize themselves around the gueri llas. Due to this separation of power in the war torn country, anyone who supported or even acknowledged the guerillas and the leftist side was given the harshest and most severe punishment, often death. Because of these harsh and hostile conditions the real story of the leftist side was often skewed. As the government in power began to oppress the people, leftist groups formed in opposition to the militant government oppression. When enough leftists had come together they formed what was known as the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (F.M.L.N.), which got a bad reputation from the beginning for having Marxist ideals (Stanley 2), hence the United States involvement to keep communism out of Central ... ... truth. [1] The term â€Å"death squad† is a term used for effect. The word itself leads to biases because of the very nature that the term implies. Terminology like this was just one instance that made reports biased. [2] This ignorance was an ignorance of the culture as well as the specific details of the war. It is not a requirement that reporters be proficient in the language of the country they are reporting in and so the vagueness of many reports can be somewhat attributed to this scenario. [3] Its seem interesting to note that the U.N. truth commission itself seemed to distinguish murders committed by the army and murders committed by the death squads when it is quite clear that the death squads were operating under close control of the army. [4] Ethnocentricity defined by is the â€Å"belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.†

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Are parents to stick on their kids?

Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made. One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father is not giving Juliet the freedom she deserved. As parents, we want the best for our children as we want to ensure their safety.However, we tend to forget that they're growing up and we take away their hoicks and rights as we think we know what's best for them. An example of this would be when I threatened Juliet with eviction and portended to disown her if she didn't marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married to Paris. This was a very unreasonable and harsh decision I made, as I will regret this for the rest of my life as it will lead her to rebel and do things behind my back. If I had Just given her the freedom she deserved, things may not have ended up the way It has.One of the biggest mistakes I made as a father Is not giving Juliet the freedom she didn't marry Pans that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married it has. Didn't marry Paris that I would kick her out and disown her if she didn't get married it has. Greetings to all. As you might be familiar already, I am Lord Caplet. Today I am here to share with you about the loss of my beloved daughter, Juliet. As a father myself, I will be sharing the many mistakes I have made while raising Juliet, hoping you will be able to learn from my past experiences and not make the same mistakes I have already made.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Speedo Marketing Stratergy

SPEEDO INDEX Sr. No| Topic| Pg. no| 1. | Marketing Objectives| 1. | 1. 2| Ansoff Matrix| 1. | 1. 3| Unique Selling Proposition| 3. | 1. 4| Point of Difference| 4. | 1. 5| Point of Parity| 4. | | | | 2. | Marketing Program| 5. | 2. 1| Product| 5. | 2. 1. 1| Lines to be introduced| 5. | 2. 1. 4| Quality| 11. | 2. 1. 5| Packaging| 12. | 2. 2| Promotion Strategies:| 14. | 2. 2. 1| Online and Print Media Promotion | 14. | 2. 2. 1 | Outdoor Promotion| 16| 2. 2. 2| Digital Media Marketing| 17. | 2. 2. 3| PR Activities| 18. | 2. 3| Price| 19. 2. 3. 1| Pricing Strategy | 19. | 2. 3. 2| Price Range| 19. | 2. 4| Place| 20. | 2. 4. 1| * Store Setup| * Facilities| Store Display| Store USP| | Location| 20. | 3. | Financial Budgeting| 23. | | | | Marketing Objectives The Ansoff Model: Existing Market – Product Expansion Speedo Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of swimwear. Speedo brand can be found on products ranging from swimsuits and goggles to wrist watches and MP3 players is establ ished in the swimwear market as one of the leading brands of the world.Being in this industry since decades now, Speedo has a very high brand value and is consistently rated as one of the top 100 brands in the world every year. In today’s world technology is being updated by every second and hence a company needs to keep itself in tune with the technology and happenings of the world and strategize accordingly. Hence Speedo uses the PRODUCT EXPANSION strategy which means that it has an existing market but has to expand its operations and product range and diversity as time progresses.Indian Market – Market Penetration Speedo may be very popular amongst consumers in India but it is still a new company in the market as a whole keeping in mind the Indian swimwear market. This is the reason why the market penetration is recommended in this market. According to the Ansoff model this strategy is used when a company is well established but enters a new market in which it is st ill young and needs to penetrate in the market in keeping with new marketing strategies and existing market situation. Unique Selling PropositionWhenever one utters the world swimwear, the first brand that comes to mind; is Speedo such is the phenomenal fan following of this brand. Whenever there is a Speedo swimwearon television, men and women the world over, tune in to catch the latest trends in. The plus points of a big swimwear brand like Speedo are proportionate pricing, a mind boggling range of sizes, including extra large sizes for overweight women and cup A sizes for beginners, opulent and mind numbing designs coupled with fantastic fits. The USP of Speedo is the: mix of goodlooking swimwear and practicality, which makes it possible to think of everyday wear as well.Point of Difference: * Fun, Comfortable, Athletic Speedo will be one of the very few swimwear brands in India with that Brand Image. Products sold at Speedo are diverse (from swimwear to body care and accessories ) are Vibrant and well packaged, unlike its competitors. Point of Parity: * There are a few elements that Speedo would wish to borrow from it’s competitors to incorporate into it’s business model: * Attention to comfort * Introduce body shaping Products * Concentrate on store interiors and display. Marketing Program ProductSpeedo India will have a varied range of products on offer; these consist of in addition to the swimear which is there in various sectors in India: * Swimsuits men/Women (Racing,Training,Triathelite,Competitive Equiqment,Fina approved suits, Swim Fitness) * Trunks * Fitness Range/Body care(Health and Well Being, Speedo sculpture,Accessories,Aqua Active, Play and fun) * Accessories * Speedo Digital (Aqua beat MP3 player, Aqua Coach) All Speedo products are benchmarks in terms of design, functionality, sustainability and comfort above all.As Speedo is opening up just its first store in India the product range will be limited to 3 world-renowned collect ions. Lines to be introduced: Right Fit SMOOTHER. SEXIER. BETTER THAN EVER Curves Description: Stretch-to-fit conforms perfectly to your body so all you see is curves; This swimwear fabrics are selected with quality, innovation, technology and creative freedom in mind, to ensure we provide only the best selection for our customers. Our fantastic range of swimwear is for both girls and guys. With a large assortment of fabric colours and prints, you’re sure to find more than one to choose from.Immerse yourself in our wide variety of fashionable designer swimwear, from one-piece bathing suits to bikinis, and coordinating accessories. 2012 is awash in a wide palette of colors, textures and prints in our women’s swimsuits as well as in our men’s swimwear. At Swimwear Boutique, we carry high fashion designers who offer complementing accessories. We also provide bathing suits that are appealing to a wide variety of interests, proportions, and ages. Our collection inclu des one-piece swimwear, bikinis, two-piece swimsuits, and coordinating bathing apparel for women, juniors, and misses.Explore our designer swimwear silhouettes and create your fashion forward wardrobe and embellish your favorite women's swimwear or junior swimwear with a sarong, shirt, pant, and other swimwear accessories. Features: * Weightless * Maximum nipple * Nylon ; Spandex/Lycra * Adjustable straps * Underwired cups if needed * Front closure Sizes available: Xtra small,small,medium,Large,Xlarge – 40 DD Colors available: Featured Products: * Swimwear women * One piece/Two piece 1. GLAMOUR BY SPEEDO THE GLIMMEROUS TOUCH OF GLAMOUR. Description:The glitter with a combination of laced edges and self-embroidery gives you a classy touch adding glamour to your swimwear. The label is aimed at sophisticated women of all ages who demand high-quality and high-fashion in equal measures. The collection hits a fabulous note that is sexy, and also flattering and comfortable. Glamorou s not only features stunning contemporary design, the range also offers subtle support and control which gives our clients the body confidence to enjoy their new swimwear on all occasions – whether basking in the sun poolside, on a yacht, or at a resort bar as the sun sets.The inaugural collection features fashion-forward colours, and a beautiful variety of one-piece maillot swimsuits, and mix ; match bikini separates. Features: * Underwire * Heavy look with a comfortable feel * Sexy shapes Sizes available: Small, Medium, Large. Colors available: pastel shades and solid colors with multi-colored lacing and embroidery Featured products: * Swimwear sets 3. Speedos tie up with designer brands Description: At Speedo we plan to tie up with a designer and provide our clients with exclusive swimwear No matter what your preference, you'll find a swimsuit at Swimwear Boutique. com.Our suits will capture the essence of your femininity and accentuate your best features. e represent the most unique styles and highest quality products available. Molly Brown's is approached by hundreds of designers each year to retail their lines in our store. Our buyers select only a limited number of the world's best, not fifty or a hundred like other swimwear retailers. Most of the designers we carry use only the most luxurious imported fabrics and custom hardware. Specialty swimwear has become main stream in high fashion and designers have enhanced their lines by producing beautiful dresses and resort wear.Molly Brown's has expanded its offerings to feature these specialty lines. We are privileged to have many of our designers produce exclusive pieces which are only available at Molly Brown's. Due to our strict privacy policy, many professionals, celebrities and their representatives are clients of Molly Brown's. A large percentage of the designer swimwear that is photographed on celebrities is sold in our store. Molly Brown's client list includes hollywood's a list, Fortune 500 professionals and fashion forward women that want the seasons' hottest trends. Molly Brown's has been featured on MTV, E! major news networks and in countless fashion publications. we are actively involved in celebrity photo shoots, high profile events and fashion shows. Each year we are asked by the media to comment on the upcoming season's hottest styles and trends. The vibrant atmosphere of the Molly Brown's store and beautiful window displays are a draw for designer interviews and news coverage. Please see our current press, video links and featured in publications. Shopping for swimwear can be difficult. For this reason, Molly Brown's client services and knowledgeable staff are unsurpassed in the industry.Ensuring our clients receive the exact style and fit they desire, both in store and online, is key to our success. Due to our outstanding personal and professional services, most first time buyers become long term clients of Molly Brown's. Features: * Reversible * With gel cur ve * Extreme plunge push-up * Various color ; print combinations * Unique border shapes * Extreme comfort with seam free, label free ; stitch free technology Sizes: Available in all sizes Featured products: Swimwear for men and Women Featured Designers SHIVAN ; NARRESH’These designers werelaunched in Cannes at ‘Mare di Moda’ with their 100% stitch free line called Insectoid. ‘SHIVAN ; NARRESH’ has a unique signature style that is bold, confident ;   sophisticated. Flawless lines, undisputed eye for detail and utter sophistication are words that could be used to define the brand. After the launch in Cannes, the duo shifted their studio to India, and became India’s first mainstream beachwear designers doing 100% handcrafted stitch-free swimwear and ready to wear made all in 100% Italian swimwear fabrics and complementing  resort wear.Currently based out of New Delhi, SHIVAN Bhatiya mastered the art of leather corsetry and accessories for fou r years from National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi, learning the functions and craftsmanship of leather in women’s wear lingerie. While NARRESH Kukreja specialized in women’s wear for four years in Fashion ; Textiles. Subsequent to their graduation, they worked in the fashion Industry for a year before being awarded  scholarships  to complete their Masters in Milan ; Rome at the Istituto Europeo di Design in ‘Fashion ; Textiles’ ; ‘Luxury Marketing’ respectively.SHIVAN ; NARRESH are recipients of several awards in recognition of their design ; creativity. The duo were discovered in 2006 by MITTELMODA, the oldest Italian talent search organization, based in Gorizia, Italy through  Mittelmoda International Beachwear Awards  in Bali. They are  winners of the  World of Wearable Art Awards, Wellington, New Zealand(‘06),  the  SWAROVSKI Most Creative Designer of the Year  (‘07) at the NIFT Graduation;    Debutant Designer of the Year(‘07) at India Fashion Week. 4.Exclusive Customisation Custom Made Swimwear manufactures all of its swimwear Let us take the frustration out of buying a swimsuit and help you find the perfect fit. We offer styles for every shape and size, specializing in large cup sizes, plus sizes, full figure and hard-to-fit swimwear. You can purchase your bathing suit by size, from 0 – 32 and bra size AA to K cup. Also, a customized specialty suit can be hand cut and sewn for your needs. Specializes in giving women of all ages what they want and need in swimwear.We can assist in fitting women who are hard to fit, have health issues, are struggling with weight, mastectomy or the woman who simply wants to create a uniquely custom swimsuit. You choose your style, size and fabric as well as numerous options making it possible for you to get the look you deserve. Each order is reviewed by an experienced consultant to confirm sizing accuracy and to make the ne cessary alterations to get the best possible fit. You will walk away feeling confident and self-assured that you can look great in a swimsuit! Quality Considering the price one pays, Speedo quality is excellent.Speedos Swimwear made of the cotton/spandex/ lycramaterial tends to retain its stretchiness with time; however, the color doesn’t fade quickly. Most of the swimwear have excellent quality that does not dwindle with time in any respect- the material retains its color and texture over time. Accessories and tops made  out of  100% lasting, however the ones with certain percentage of spandex in them last longer. Size Chart Packaging†¦ The following actions have taken place so far within the framework of this plan: They have minimized the thickness of the boxes down to the technical limit that prevents breakage and crushing.They have also minimized the individual packages for garments and accessories in terms of dimensions and density, while retaining their capacit y to avoid breakage and to be processed by the distribution machinery. They have minimized the size of the labels, to just the size that allows them to be read correct. It is worth noting that all internal shipments are made using reused boxes. It is also worth pointing out that all the boxes used are made with 100% recycled material. To facilitate recycling, all these are paper-based, eliminating any metallic elements (staples, etc. Finally, Speedo adheres to the waste and packaging management systems established in the different countries in which they operate. Promotion Online ; Print Promotion: * Speedo plans to strategically use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to promote itself, since it aims to capture the attention of the digitally advanced and internet friendly marked. * A special page will be created on Facebook for Speedo India, which will provide regular updates on changes, and additions to inventory, notify customers about upcoming sales and offers.U sers can also place queries regarding their orders, which will be answered and assisted by the customer care executives. * Twitter posts regarding Speedo. com will be regularly updated, Consumers who wish to learn more about the website and what it has to offer can follow these posts for information. * Advertisements will be given in issues of popular fashion magazine like Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, L’officiel, etc. which are read by the market Victoria’s Secret aims to target. * Advertisements will also be put in the Bombay Times, since; it is a newspaper that is common among all age groups.Advertisements will be carried out for the first 3 months. * Speedo will launch and Indian website and the web domain will also be submitted to popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. In this way users looking for information on Speedo India will be guided to a link to the website. * Popular news articles online and on print from Times, Business India, etc notifying the market about Speedo Brick and Mortar and online store will also promote the website and create awareness. * End of season sales will be notified through Magazines, Newspapers, social networking sites, etc. Sign up Members for Email newsletters and mobile updates outdoor Promotion: * Billboard advertisements to promote the establishment of Speedo new store will be seen for 3 months since it’s operation outside its stores and prime shopping locations. * In-store collaterals will notify customers shopping at the store about Speedo online presence. Billboard advertisements Digital Media Marketing: 1. Speedo for IPad and IPhone Description: It’s the destination for all things Speedo—anywhere, anytime, on-the-go, at your fingertips. Effortlessly flip through and buy from o current catalogues, shop www. peedo. com with just a tap, and find the nearest Speedo stores. One will also find up-to-the-minute coverage of the favorite swimwear from photo shoots to star-studded store openings, fashion show exclusives, TV commercials, special event,etc. * PAD ® IS CATALOGUE IN THE WORLD ?The catalogues come alive on iPad ® letting one simply swipe the screen to flip from page to page. Just tap the image and it will take one directly to that item on the website. Add it to the shopping bag and check out. It's easy, fast and can be done wherever. * ? FIND THE NEAREST VS STOREThe store locator finds a Speedo store near the user and provides directions, store hours and contact information. * SHARE WITH FRIENDS Post VS pictures, videos and stories directly to one’s favorite social networking sites or share via email.? Television & P. R. * A week prior to its launch, Speedo in association with a fitness program will telecast the Victoria’s Secret 2012 during Prime Time. * Victoria’s Secret launch party. * Location – Hype, Mumbai. * Guests– Athletes,Socialites, celebrities, leading models, designers and corporate wives from all over Mumbai. Schedule – The event starts at 21:00 hrs. followed by the introduction speech by CEO Speedo and Store Manager for Speedo Mumbai followed by dinner and drinks. The event duration is 3 hours since it is to take place in a club and be full of events. Guests will leave with gift packs from Speedo * Why the launch party? Any message conveyed by means of recreational activities and entertainment is always heard louder than a mediocre public event. The pompous nature, glamour, exclusivity and Posh appeal of a launch party is automatically well publicized due to the presence of high level guests and celebrities.Price The above table represents the average pricing of the various types of products to be carried under each product line. This was calculated keeping in mind various factors such as: * International pricing strategy * Taxes * Operating expenses * Fixed costs * Appeal of the particular product * Marketing expenses * Target consumer Place Location The new Sp eedois planned to be launched in Palladium Mall, Lower Parel. The mall is ideally located in Central Mumbai. Palladium is apt owing to its host of brands it has and the customer’s it attracts.Store Interiors The interiors of the store will be designed similar to that of Speedostores across the world. Merchandise will be arranged in neat stacks according to size and color. Store Display GANTT Chart A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. Some Gantt charts also show the dependency (i. e. precedence network) relationships between activities. Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percent-complete shadings and a vertical â€Å"TODAY† line as shown here. Although now regarded as a common charting technique, Gantt cha rts were considered revolutionary when they were introduced. In recognition of Henry Gantt's contributions, the Henry Laurence Gantt Medal is awarded for distinguished achievement in management and in community service. This chart is used also in Information Technology to represent data that has been collected.In the following report 2 Gantt Charts, Both representing Zara India On line’s planned schedule for Web Development and Promotions is created. Financial Budgeting Introduction It's essential to plan and tightly manage one’s business' financial performance. Creating a budgeting process is the most effective way to keep the business – and its finances – on track. Successful businesses invest time to create and manage budgets, prepare and review business plans and regularly monitor finance and performance. Structured planning makes all the difference to the growth of the business.It also enables one to concentrate his/her resources on improving profits , reducing costs and increasing returns on investment. In fact, even without a formal process, many businesses carry out the majority of the activities associated with business planning, such as considering growth areas, competitors, cash flow and profit. Converting this into a cohesive process to manage the businesses will keep the company dynamic communicated to it’s clients and workers more effectively. The main aim of the business plan is to set out the strategy and action plan for the business.This also includes a clear financial picture of where the company stands – and expects to stand – over the coming years. In the previous report Analysis had been conducted with respect to Market environment, Consumer profile, etc. On the basis of the results of the analysis and Web Development strategy was proposed. The following report consists of a detailed Financial Plan complete with figures and estimates required to implement the earlier proposed web development plan. Start Up Expenses Income ; Expense Statements